Friday, March 13, 2009

super intense hardcore art, that mary v loves ;)

H-h-holla at me, drawing and painting friends, this is Mary, welcoming you to the first (of hopefully many) edition of: SUPER INTENSE HARDCORE ART! So, here we go!!!

Street Artist, Swoon.

So, Swoon is a NYC based female street artist (a less demeaning term for graffiti artist) who specializes in intricate cutouts and drawings that she adheres to public spaces using wheatpaste. Her art is always delicate, and larger than life, usually pairing drawings of her family and friends with delicate paper cutouts to create an aesthetically pleasing (yeah, I know I sound like a fancy art nerd) result. She went to art school at Pratt Institute, so it's not like she's just some hoodlum from off the streets. She has been covering NYC (and other cities world wide) with her art for more than six years, and does not release her name to avoid being arrested and whatnot. 

Some of her work:

yeah, that's all cut out paper. I wish I lived there...

Hey baby, you got tickets? TO THE GUN SHOW? HAHAHAHA. get it? guns? arms? wow.

Yeah, I'm not going to lie, this one is probably my favorite.

Anyway, I could post a bunch of pictures, but that would probably make this page slow to load, so if you want to see more of Swoon's work, just do a google image search for "swoon", there are PAGES upon PAGES of her stuff, trust me.

Well that's all for today, see you cool kids in class ;)


  1. Mary,

    She is incredible. I love the choice of paper as a street medium. I want to be a "street artist" when I grow up! Thank you for posting as well. I'd love if you asked the class a question to answer in response to what you have shown us and we can use this for this weeks blog. enrty!

  2. This is Carley.
    So this is, like, paper. like, white paper? drawing paper? How temoporary is this? Because i was thinking that maybe if it rained, wouldn't it kill the artwork. TOTALLY DEMOLISHED? That would suck. Well anyways: this prompted me to invite you to visit:
    This is Yuken Teruya. She cuts stuff out of all sorts of things, from pizza boxes to toilet paper rolls. its amazing. she also has her own site:

    an example is here:


    Peter Callesen, cut from one piece of paper and left with the negative space showing. 'tis AMAZING!
    an example, and my fave of his:

  3. I think that she is totally amazing. I love the first artwork. It is very intricate yet still elegant in its own way. Pepsi

  4. Wow, she is really cool I really like that first one because there is so much detail there. I love that she uses paper as a medium, I would have never thought of that. The fact that she's anonymous would make me want her to deface my museum instead of Banksy, because she is just that cool. Anyways, my favorite artist is Frida Kahlo.

  5. so this blog totally made my day. i am in love with all of her work. the paper just blows me away. i could never do that, to be completely honest. i can, but i dont have the patience. i ahev heard of her before, but i never really looked into her much. i like the random eye in the paper, it made me happy. thank you manaray!

  6. wow. that first one really was totally kewl. it"s amazimg that someone could do that with paper, could make something so intricate and out there. -hamnster

  7. Shmanders-Tilluhh

    So i Definantly give her props for the cut outs because its cool the way eveything goes together. Although I don't neccesary like it, To me it isn't art. It's not something i would want in a museum. Its more of something i'd see as a pic on google. It's just not me. But well put Miss. Vallon =]

  8. Learn,Cody
    so how does she cut the paper? i really respect her art because i would not have the patience to do that. i mean, its not my favorite but its still awesome and i wish i lived in a land made of paper. haha.
    i dont really have a favorite artist because i always find something i like about every artist...

  9. Katie B. :

    Wow... That's about all I can say. This work is absolutly amazing. The closest I could ever come to ever doing something this intense is the pathetic little snowflakes we made in kindergarden, lol.

    But, Swoon's work reminds me of some of the cut out works that I've seen before... Can't remember the artist, but I'll deffinetely try and look them up later.

    None the less though, this is absolutly amazing. I'd much prefer to have some of Swoon's work than Banksy or Poster Boy.

  10. Brandon said:
    I think her form of art is very creative and I admire her determination to create art such as this. I say this because I am certain it takes a while to glue sheets of paper on a large wall to make art. Also since she does this very fevertly I am curious to know how she provides for herself.

    Is the paper she uses water proof? Because if its not she'll have a problem when it rains.

  11. MAISIE:
    So. This artist is really super intense hardcore. Her style is very unique, and I really like the way that her art doesn't damage the actual buildings or walls, as it's only paste-on paper. However, it makes me sad that the wonderful art is very non-permanent.
    I love her composition and her use of line. She is incredible, Mary, thanks for posting this! <3

  12. I think that what "Swoon" does is pretty much amazing. I like that she works with paper, which is obviously very different from what every other artist does. Leave it to Mary to find something like this =] But anyways, I really really like this artist and I think that I am going to have to look at more of her...stuff!

  13. Wow, she's really amazing. I think I'ma look into her some more, her artwork is quite fasincating. :D Maybe she'll make my list of favorite artist, altough Wilfredo Lam will still be my number 1. I love his art!

    P.S I like the first picture of her art the best. Its' wicked.


  14. Kelci: (I'm having blogger's block)I like that one paper thing because its shapes and the red color are pretty. But the other ones seem kind of boring to me, I don't see a statement or anything so... yeah...

    Anyway, I'm not really sure what I like to see in art. I guess I like if an artwork is one of three things: it has some type of statement, it's pretty (to me, at least), and/or it's really unusual.

  15. ...its very intresting to look at but am not really into it. The room filled with it was very coOl the faces in the paper look so realistic. But am not a big fan of it. But i do like how she puts so much detail into her work....

    ...i also like the fact that shes a she...

    i wonder how long it taked to do the whole room also when does she do the paper art work before she gets to the place where she is doing the street art or at time jus sper of the moment??????????

    ~i really dont have a favorite artist mostly because i havent seen enough artist to choose...but i do like really colorful art, also very out there art, unique pieces~

  16. The Artwork is cool and unique.
    Also all the details in the artwork are good.
    Also It might have took the artist hrs to
    design the paper. I also like the drawings on the
    walls they are really cool.

  17. i think her paper cut out art work is amazing bigger than lifesize and realistic i would say swoon keep doing your work and make more amazing realistic cutouts and amaze us.

  18. I think these artworks are amazing.How does she do them?What type of paper does she use?My favorite one is the first one.It is so detailed and very original.

  19. So, I shall comment on your comments...
    I am pleased to see you each mention time, effort and media are factors in her work that you respect weather or not she is an artist of your taste.

    Many of you mentioned the im-permanance of her media and loccation, and yes her work does deteriorate over time and with weather. The paper and paste she uses will withstand some weathering but not indefinatly. She considers the process fo decay part of her artwork. She explained it in an interview I read as her works haivng a natural life cycle like living things.

    Carley-i'll be checking out your artist soon!
    Pepsi-who is your favorite artist?
    Swoon said: "I do a full size piece of plywood, 4 by 8. I carve it either with an exacto to get the fine details or with a Dremmel. The Dremmel because my hand and my whole wrist is getting really tired from all the carving. I’ve been carving for years. Between the paper, the wood and the linoleum." (Links to linoleum and woodcut printing techniques, and Dremel Tools)

    Could you talk a bit about the printing process. I'm imagining you walking around on top of the plywood to make the impression. What sort of ink? Water or oil based.

    "I use a huge roller, and etching ink (it's oil based but I just clean it up with olive oil) and spread a sheet of paper on top then step on it a hundred times like mashing grapes or doing the twist. Depending on the paper type wetting it first can be useful for better saturation, contrary to what you would think with oil based ink."

    You do all this in your apartment. How do you deal with this chaos in your living space?

    "My brother is visiting and he looked into my studio today and said wow, you must be a very strong person mentally, and I said why, and he said because if I had to deal with that mess you've got in there (meaning a four foot stack of prints and then some) I would just break down and lose my mind. So that's what my house
    looks like."

    Katie B- I can make a mean Martha Stewart style snowflake!It is amazing the things we associate with paper.

    More comment on your comments to come...
