Monday, April 6, 2009

Super Intense Hardcore Art, Vol. 3

Haha, sorry there was no blog last week, I'm sure you were all heartbroken.

This week's featured artist is no other than:
Marion Peck, Painter.

Bio: Peck is another live and well artist, creating art as a career, the same as Barber. Most of Peck's work is done in oil paints, and her paintings are often adorned with ornate frames, or sometimes painted straight onto vintage plates. Her work mainly portrays cute animals and children, but with a sort of creepy edge that keeps the viewer interested. Peck's work tends to appeal to a very selective audience, often attracting a younger crowd, and appealing to someone who has a more vintage taste. Because of this, I'm interested to see what you think.

Pretty standard Peck, with lots of emphasis on the eyes.

"Mr. Bunny"
He's watching you....


"Supper Club"
Adorable, I think.

Inventive title, no?
So, as you can see, Peck's work has a sort of subtle dark quality, which adds an effectiveness to her work that may or may not have been present otherwise.
1. Do you like Peck's work? Why or why not?
2. Peck's work and Barber's work are similar in ways, but are at the same time different. Compare and contrast at least one of Barber's pieces, and at least one of Peck's pieces. Which do you think is more effective, and why?
OH, by the way, some of Peck's work is not school appropriate, so I'd suggest NOT checking it out on school computers, once again. Sorry!


  1. Katie B. :

    I'm not to fond of Peck's work, although "Lavianth" is very interesting, and I love the emphasis in some of the paintings. I'm not really sure why, but it's just not as appealing to me as some of the other artists we've looked at.

    In Peck's "Mr. Bunny" and Barber's "Feast of Famine" both have a very creepy sense of being watched or stalked. Both the bunny in Peck's and the cats in Barber look like they are about to devour the children or dolls.

    But, both are also vastly different. Barber's "Feast of Famine" is a lot more darker and has more contrast in the colors, while Peck's "Mr. Bunny" is lighter, though I believe the lighter colors make the scene more creepy.

  2. I don't really like Peck's work.Although the piece that I do like is "Mr. Bunny".I think it is a little creepy but I like the colors in it.I think if it had darker colors in it,it would be creeper but since the color is lighter it makes it less creepy.

    In Barber's "Portrait of the Artist, Chantal Menard" he shows more realism in the human figure than Peck does in his work "Sophia".I think Barber's is more affective because it is more realistic.

  3. I love her work, I don't know why but I just do. I guess I love the weirdness of her work. Barbers work is more realistic, but they both have a feeling of someone watching you.

  4. Pecks work is cool but odd...
    I like Pecks work because it’s different from other artists...They both use similar dark colors."Sophia looks sad and"Laviathan looks
    Weird. Both Artists are unique in different ways.

  5. i think pecks work is okay but to me it looks like a doll face but the color is good and frame is nice but the picture needs more colar and maybe some more shadowing if she wants it to look more unique and real

  6. 1. Peck’s work really isn’t the type of art that I like, but I think that it’s ok. I like how she takes simple things in life and changes one thing about them and it doesn’t look bad at all.
    2. Peck’s painting of “Kittens” and Barber’s painting of “Feast or Famine” are kind of the same because the cats have mutations. In Peck’s work, the cats have a third eye and in Barber’s work, one of the cats has a second head. They are different because Peck’s work is more vintage and Barber’s work is darker.
    -Katie S.

  7. 1. I really like Peck, she has this cool think with taking something that seems innocent and/or normal, then adds some little detail that makes it completely different. Except for "Laviathan", I don't find anything remotely normal in that one. But I also like the colors and how it seems..soft? I guess that's how I'd describe it.
    2.They both seem a lot alike in how they that 'normal'-type things and make them not so normal and somewhat creepy.

  8. Kreppy!!!!!!!!!!11
    not the intrested in seeing others of 1st look i didnt really notice the things that made it edgy but then i looked closer and saw the kitty had 3 eyes...i liked kitty better with 2...
    although i must say that her work is really well done i love the colors she uses for her work although its very dark and edgy you see lots of suttle colors(warm)
